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In our previous post, we explained some benefits of investing in SEO and online marketing for small businesses. Here we expand our list!

Grow your close rate

Simply put, one of the basic ideas behind investing in a local SEO strategy is to bring more potential customers to your website. One of the best ways to view SEO is by seeing it as a marketing campaign, as print marketing is on its way out. In our technology filled world, you want to put all your advertising and marketing efforts online, as this is where the majority of your consumers will see it! In fact, SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads such as direct mail or print leads only have a 1.7% close rate. With this drastic rise in percentage, why wouldn’t you choose SEO?

Gain long-term effects

When it comes to search engine optimization, you definitely get what you pay for. With a little patience, your website’s visibility online will grow unlike ever before. And the thing is, this visibility doesn’t just go away over night. As long as you stay invested in your digital marketing, you will reap long term effects. Think of it as the stock market; the more you put into it, the more you get out of it!

Boost web design

One of the pillars of good online marketing is a fantastic web design. This is so the different search engine bots can crawl your website without any troubles. Not only that but a better and mobile friendly website will entice customers to stay for a while and look around! Don’t know where to begin? A professional web design services company will be able to make your website shine in no time.

Build a dedicated fan base

A good SEO plan doesn’t just include search engine rankings — social media is included as well! Customers love interacting on different social media platforms, so by making these channels available you will be on your way to building a great customer fan base.

Interested in learning more about what SEO can do for your business? Contact our web design services professionals today and we’ll get you started!

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